How Often Should You Post Updates On Your GMB Profile?

Illustration showing a calendar with a checkmark, a pencil, an hourglass, and a smartphone displaying the word 'Search,' accompanied by the text 'How Often Should You Post Updates On Your GMB Profile?' emphasizing the importance of regular Google My Business posts.

Is your Google My Business profile a cobweb magnet in the internet attic? Totally get it. Keeping it fresh can be a pain. But here’s the thing: a fresh, active GMB profile is a goldmine for attracting local customers. So, the question is, how often should you hit that “post” button?

There’s no magic number, but fear not! This guide will help you determine the perfect posting frequency for your business.

Is there a magic number for Google My Business posts?

Forget searching for a one-size-fits-all answer. Studies show businesses that post regularly tend to win the local SEO game compared to those who post sporadically. Here’s a quick rundown of some standard posting frequencies:

  • Daily updates: Perfect for businesses with a constant stream of news, like new menu items at your restaurant or daily specials at your store.
  • A few times a week: This is a solid option for most businesses. It keeps your profile active without spamming your audience.
  • Weekly: No worries if updates are less frequent. Aim for at least one post a week to stay visible.

How much content is too much for my GMB profile?

Imagine getting bombarded with messages. Not cool, right? The same goes for the Google My Business post. Here’s why:

  • Quality is king. Focus on creating excellent, helpful content for your audience. A well-written post once a week is better than five rushed ones.
  • Information overload: Too many posts can overwhelm potential customers and make it hard to find what they need. Think “less is more.”

When do your customers engage with Google My Business posts?

Understanding when your local fans are online can seriously boost your GMB strategy. Here’s what to consider:

  • Industry matters: Restaurants and cafes might see more action during lunch or dinner hours.
  • Location matters: Targeting office workers? Weekdays might be best. Weekends work better for families.

Illustration of a bar chart with a rising line graph, colourful pie charts, and a checkmark, representing engagement and performance metrics for Google My Business posts.

Use your Google My Business insights (free in the dashboard!) to see when your posts get the most views and engagement. This data is gold for tailoring your posting schedule for maximum impact.

What types of Google My Business posts generate the most engagement?

Not all Google My Business posts are created equal. Here are some types of content that tend to grab attention:

  • Deals and steals: Who doesn’t love a good bargain? Highlight special offers, discounts, or loyalty programs through a Google My Business post.
  • New stuff alert: Showcase any exciting new additions to your business.
  • Behind the scenes: Give your audience a peek into your company culture or the incredible people behind the brand. This builds trust and connection.
  • Events and announcements: Promote upcoming workshops, classes, or anything cool happening at your business.
  • Customer love: Share positive reviews or testimonials from satisfied customers. Social proof builds trust with potential customers.
  • Eye-catching visuals: High-quality photos and videos are powerful tools. Use them to showcase your products, services, or team.

Mix up your content to keep your audience engaged.

How to develop a Google My Business posting strategy for your business

Illustration of a large pencil drawing a line to connect two red location markers labelled 'A' and 'B,' symbolizing the development of a Google My Business posting strategy.

Ready to create a GMB posting strategy that keeps your profile buzzing? Here’s a simple approach:

  1. Set some goals: What do you want to achieve with your Google My Business post? Increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Having clear goals helps you tailor your content.
  2. Know your audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your ideal customer will help you create content that resonates with them.
  3. Pick a posting frequency: Consider the above points and choose a realistic and consistent schedule.
  4. The content calendar is your friend. Plan your posts. This ensures a steady flow of excellent content and avoids last-minute scrambles.
  5. Track and learn: Monitor your Google My Business insights to see what types of posts resonate best with your audience. Use this data to refine your strategy over time.

Bonus Tip: Respond promptly to comments and questions. This shows you’re engaged with your audience and builds trust.

How does posting frequency affect your GMB performance?

Imagine your GMB profile as an online shop window in your local town. How often you update it with fresh stuff can make a difference! Here’s why:

  • Be the shiny new shop on the block: Google likes profiles that always add new things, like a fresh coat of paint. This makes you stand out, and people are more likely to notice you in search results.
  • Keep the conversation going: New posts are like adding fun things to your window display. People are more likely to stop and check them out and chat with you about them (like liking and commenting). This tells Google your shop is exciting and keeps you higher up in search. By encouraging user generated content through engaging posts, you can further boost engagement with user reviews and photos, solidifying your position as a trusted local business.
  • Turn lookers into customers: Eye-catching posts with links to your website are like putting up a “Sale!” sign. Google My Business posts can get people to visit your website, buy something, or book an appointment if you’ve got something new, a special offer, or an extraordinary event.
  • The friend factor: Posting regularly on GMB is like being a friendly shop owner who always remembers your customers. It keeps you in their minds, builds trust, and makes them want to return and see what you’re doing.

There’s no golden rule on how often to post on your GMB profile, but just like keeping your shop window updated, regular posting with exciting stuff is a sure way to see your local SEO shine!

Key takeaways: Keep it fresh, keep it engaging

Following these tips, you can develop a GMB posting strategy that keeps your profile fresh, informative, and engaging for your local audience. Remember, consistency is critical. Aim for high-quality content that provides value to your target audience, and track your results to see what works best for your business.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Local SEO consultants can help! We’re the experts keeping your GMB profile sparkling and attracting a swarm of happy local customers. Think of them as digital cheerleaders, helping you craft a winning strategy and dominate the local search game. So, what are you waiting for? Unleash the power of your GMB profile and get ready to see your business thrive with Local SEO Consultants!